(The original website, www.CountTheBallots.org, that contained Citizen Audit information and forms was taken down several years ago. The following WaybackMachine website works, but some of the links on it don't and the meetup is no longer active. We'll try to reconstitute the information as soon as possible. Lynn Landes Feb 2, 2021)
USE https://web.archive.org/web/20160323125337/http:/www.counttheballots.org/audits.htm or see below:
Oct 20: PRESS RELEASE, CountTheBallots (CTB) Calls for 'Citizen Audits' On Election Day - Warns of Widespread Fraud
Hi, I'm Lynn Landes,
founder of CountTheBallots.org. I want to encourage you to conduct a Citizen
Audit at your poll on Election Day. Election
Day audits, pre-election surveys, and exit polls give us an idea of
trouble spots, areas where the audit results vary widely from officials
results. As a result, Post
Election audits can then be organized in targeted precincts. Citizen
Audits are not just for this election, but for every primary and general
election in the future. Why? Because the way Americans currently conduct
elections leaves our voting system wide open to election fraud, particularly by
unscrupulous election officials and voting machine company employees.
Why not rely on government audits or recounts to catch mistakes or fraud? History has shown that government-controlled audits lack integrity. And, in many states, recounts only occur if the election is close. What that means, to those who want to steal votes, is to rig elections by a wide enough margin that a recount will not be triggered. In addition, recounts inherently lack integrity. By the time a recount occurs, unscrupulous election officials have had plenty of time to tamper with the results. So, it's up to local citizens to do what they can to verify election results.
Since 2005, several groups of volunteers in Florida, California, Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania have conducted differing types of Citizen Audits, formerly called, Parallel Elections (see group list). Some groups collect additional data, such as party, age, sex, race, etc.. CountTheBallots.org prefers to stay focused on election results only.
Election Day Audits
(fairly simple) -- On
election day, volunteers (1,2, or more) work at the polls, hand out
information sheets, audit forms, complaint forms (if necessary) and then add
up the results outside the polls after they close. (see
'tool kit' below)
Post Election Audits (more difficult) -- After the election, volunteers go door to door, collect signed affidavits (see AUDIT FORMS below) from voters, including the voter's name and address. They get the list of registered voters from the election board. This type of audit is to prove vote fraud or miscounts. It has been used after elections where irregularities are suspected and candidates or activists must contact voters personally. Post Election Audits were conducted by Republican Steven Troxler in North Carolina race for Agriculture Commissioner in 2004 and by Democrat Clint Curtis in the 2006 Congressional election. This evidence may be more effective in the 'court of public opinion' than in a real courtroom, however, it's the best we can do under these circumstances.
• verify election results
• document complaints
• demonstrate how to run a transparent election.
'tool kit'
(Note: If you decide against doing
an audit on election day, then consider distributing a GENERAL
FLYER when voters leave the polls.
AUDIT TOOL KIT: (adjust to your own needs)
a couple of volunteers, a box with an slit and marked "CITIZEN AUDIT", pens, clipboard, and the following:
COMPLAINT FORMS: doc / pdf (This information will be shared with other organizations.)
A laptop computer would be helpful if people need assistance finding their polling place or checking their registration. See HELPFUL INFORMATION below
Wear a CITIZEN AUDIT SIGN (or make a smaller label)
Introduce yourself to the poll workers. It might be helpful to describe the audit as a type of exit poll.
Stay the legal distance from the polls (call your local election board or Secretary of State), distance differs from state to state)
Hand an AUDIT FLYER to voters as they enter the polls, saying, "We're conducting a Citizen's Audit of election results. Here's an information sheet that explains the project. We'd really appreciate it if you filled out a simple form after you've voted." Or words to that effect. Voters are usually in a hurry, so make your words count!
Offer them an AUDIT FORM & COMPLAINT FORM (as needed) when voters leave the polls.
Voter then fill out the form and place in the AUDIT BOX slit.
Count the ballots outside the polls in public view, convert to percentages, then compare them to the official results. You don't need 100% participation. You can use the results to conduct a comparative analysis with official results.
Fill-in the AUDIT RESULTS on your computer, save as a new word document, then e-mail the new document to us. You can also send the results to others, such as the news medi